Gxi bezonas pli ol £4,000,000 cxiun jaron por konservi la helikopterojn kaj provizi la medicinan ilaron, kiun ili portas. Oni akiras la monon per donacoj, karitaj butikoj, garantitaj eventoj, ktp....
Ilia moto estas,
"Ni bezonas vin hodiaux, eble vi bezonos nin morgaux."
Here is one of the 2 East Anglian Air Ambulances. It is a 365 days-a-year life saving service for the counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk and Suffolk

It needs more than £4.000,000 every year to maintain the helicopters and provide the medical equipment they carry. The money is raised by donations, charity shops, sponsored events etc.. ...
Their motto is:
"We need you today, you may need us tomorrow."
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