Sunday, 30 January 2011
Maldon Sxlima Kurado.Maldon Mud Race
Jen la jara Maldon Sxlima Kurado. (Maldon estas urbo en la graflando Essex). La partoprenistoj kolektas monon por bonfaraj societoj.
This is the annual Maldon Mud Race. (Maldon is a town in the county of Essex). The runners collect money for charity.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Ni Mangxu! Let's Eat!
Estas hodiaux tre malvarme, do je tagmangxtempo ni gxojos cxi tiun bongustegan viandtorton, kiun mia kara edzo kukis. Ni havos ankaux terpoman kacxon kun kapra butero, brasikon, brocolon kaj multe da saucxo!
It is very cold today so at dinnertime we are going to enjoy this delicious meat pie, cooked by my dear husband. We'll also have potatoes mashed with goat's butter, cabbage, broccoli and lashings of gravy!
It is very cold today so at dinnertime we are going to enjoy this delicious meat pie, cooked by my dear husband. We'll also have potatoes mashed with goat's butter, cabbage, broccoli and lashings of gravy!
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Ridetu/Smile - Nat King Cole
Nat King Cole kantas cxiu tiun belan kanton:
Ridetu kvankam via koro doloras, ridetu ecx se gxi rompigxas
Kiam estas nuboj en la cxielo vi travivas
Se vi ridetas tra via timo kaj malgxojo; ridetu kaj eble morgaux
Vi vidos la sunon trabrilante por vi;
Eklumigu vian vizagxon per gxojeco; kasxu cxiun malgxojspuron
Kiam larmo estos tre proksime,
*Tiam vi devas penadi - ridetu - plori estas malutile
Vi perceptos, ke la vivo ankoraux penvaloras, se vi nur ridetas.
* ripetu
Nat King Cole sings this lovely song:
Smile though your heart is aching, smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow; smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you;
Light up your face with gladness: hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near,
*That's the time you must keep on trying - smile - what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile if you just smile.
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Glacteniloj Ice Grippers
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Bongusta Taso da Teo kaj Sidigxumo Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down
En la libro estas ecx cxapitro pri "dunking" viajn biskvitojn.
Mi ne povis trovi la vorton "dunk" en mia Esperanto vortaro, do eble estas nur niaj Anglaj kiuj "dunk" niajn biskvitojn!?
In the book there is even a chapter on dunking your biscuits.
I could not find the word "dunk" in my Esperanto dictionary, so perhaps it is only we English who "dunk" our biscuits!?
Thursday, 20 January 2011
Bongusta Taso da Teo kaj Sidigxumo Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down
Mi ofte pensis, ke kiel ajn triviala estas temo, iu jam skribis libron pri gxi. 
Hieraux, en la biblioteko mi trovis cxi tiujn libron: "bongusta taso da teo kaj sidigxumo"!
Jes, gxi vere estas "libro pri havante sidigxumon, biskviton kaj bongustan tason da teo"!
Cxi tiu cxarma libro rakontas al ni cxion pri teon trinkado kaj biskviton mangxadon!
I have often thought that however trivial a subject, someone has written a book about it. Yesterday in our library I found this book: "nice cup of tea and a sit down"!
Yes - it really is " a book about having a sit down, a biscuit and a nice cup of tea"!
This charming book tells us everything about tea-drinking and biscuit eating!
Hieraux, en la biblioteko mi trovis cxi tiujn libron: "bongusta taso da teo kaj sidigxumo"!
Jes, gxi vere estas "libro pri havante sidigxumon, biskviton kaj bongustan tason da teo"!
Cxi tiu cxarma libro rakontas al ni cxion pri teon trinkado kaj biskviton mangxadon!
I have often thought that however trivial a subject, someone has written a book about it. Yesterday in our library I found this book: "nice cup of tea and a sit down"!
Yes - it really is " a book about having a sit down, a biscuit and a nice cup of tea"!
This charming book tells us everything about tea-drinking and biscuit eating!
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Harry Secombe 'We'll Keep A Welcome' "Ni Tenos Bonvenon"
Jen emocia Kimria kanto kaj la superfantazia Harry Secombe.
"Ni Tenas Bonvenon"
De fore vocxo vokas, memortintiloj sonoradas.
"Hejmen revenu, hejmen revenu," ili vokas tra la oceanoj de tempo.
*Ni tenas bonvenon en la montetoj, ni tenas bonvenon en la valoj
"Hejmen revenu, hejmen revenu," ili vokas tra la oceanoj de tempo.
*Ni tenas bonvenon en la montetoj, ni tenas bonvenon en la valoj
Cxi tiu lando, kiun vi konis, ankoraux kantados, kiam vi revenos al Kimrio
Cxi tiu lando de kanto tenos bonvenon kaj kun amo, kiu neniam cxesas
Ni forkisos cxiun horon de hiraeth kiam vi revenos hejmen al Kimrio.
(Ripetu de *)
Ni forkisos cxiun horon de hiraeth kiam vi revenos al Kimrio.
Ni forkisos cxiun horon de hiraeth kiam vi revenos al Kimrio.
(hiraeth estas Kimria vorto, ne estas gxusta Anglia traduko - sed eble hejmveo)
Here is a stirring Welsh song and the great Harry Secombe.
"We'll Keep a Welcome"
Far away a voice is calling, bells of memory chime
"Come home again, come home again" they call through the oceans of time.
*We'll keep a welcome in the hillside, we'll keep a welcome in the Vales
This land you knew will be still be singing when you come home again to Wales.
This land of song will keep a welcome and with a love that never fails
We'll kiss away each hour of hiraeth when you come home again to Wales.
(Repeat from *)
We'll kiss away each hour of hiraeth when you come home again to Wales.
(hiraeth is a Welsh word - there is no exact English translation - but possibly homesickness)
"Come home again, come home again" they call through the oceans of time.
*We'll keep a welcome in the hillside, we'll keep a welcome in the Vales
This land you knew will be still be singing when you come home again to Wales.
This land of song will keep a welcome and with a love that never fails
We'll kiss away each hour of hiraeth when you come home again to Wales.
(Repeat from *)
We'll kiss away each hour of hiraeth when you come home again to Wales.
(hiraeth is a Welsh word - there is no exact English translation - but possibly homesickness)
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Negxeroj Snowflakes
Jen negxero - gxi estas belega, cxu ne? Oni diras, ke cxiu negxero estas malsama. Por vidi pli bv vidu kaj klaku je Photo Gallery (Foto Galerio)
This is a snowflake - isn't it beautiful? They say that each snowflake is different. To see more please see and click on Photo Gallery.
This is a snowflake - isn't it beautiful? They say that each snowflake is different. To see more please see

Thursday, 13 January 2011
Futbal- Freneza Kanto Football Crazy Song HD
La kantisto amegas futbalon. Vi povas auxdi la hxorajxon:
'Mi estas futbal-freneza, mi estas futbal-rabia
Mi volas ludi futbalon gxuste kiel mia kara pacxjo.'
The singer really loves football. You can hear the chorus:
'I'm football crazy, I'm football mad
I wanna (want to) play football just like my dear old dad. '
'Mi estas futbal-freneza, mi estas futbal-rabia
Mi volas ludi futbalon gxuste kiel mia kara pacxjo.'
The singer really loves football. You can hear the chorus:
'I'm football crazy, I'm football mad
I wanna (want to) play football just like my dear old dad. '
Paul Jewell

Jen Pauxlo Jewell, la nova managxero de Urbo Ipswich (kromnomo de la ludantoj estas "La Traktoraj Knaboj")
Ni deziras por Paul kaj la Urbo "bonsxancon" kaj gratulas la ludantojn pro ilia 1-0 gajno kontraux Arsenal je la 12a januaro. (Ni nur flustros pri la 7-0 malvenko kontraux Chelsea pasintan Sabaton!)
Here is Paul Jewell, the new manager of Ipswich Town (players are nicknamed "The Tractor Boys")We wish Paul & the Town "good luck" and congratulate the Ipswich players on their 1-0 win against Arsenal on 12th January. (We will only whisper about the 7-0 defeat against Chelsea last Saturday!)
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Multe da homoj gxuas "Sudoko".
La numeroj 1 - 9 devas esti nur unufoje en cxiu linio, kolumno kaj 3 x 3 "skatolo". Vi povas trovi multe da sudoku-enigmojn je la interreto:
Lots of people enjoy "Sudoku".
The numbers 1-9 should appear only once in every line, row and 3 x 3 box.
You can find loads of sudoku puzzles online:
Sunday, 9 January 2011
Dennis Morgan - When Irish Eyes are Smiling
Jen kanto por felicxigi vin:
Kiam Irlandaj okuloj ridetas estas ja kiel printempa mateno
En la gajkanto de irlanda ridado vi povis auxdi la angxelojn kantante
Kiam Irlandaj koroj estas gxojoj la tuta mondo sxajnas brila kaj gaja
Kaj kiam Irlandaj okuloj ridetas, ili ja forsxtelas vian koron.
Here is a song to cheer you:
When Irish eyes are smiling sure 'tis like a morn in spring
In the lilt of Irish laughter you can hear the angels sing
When Irish hearts are happy all the world seems bright and gay
And when Irish eyes are smiling, sure they steal your heart away.
Friday, 7 January 2011
Kersey Vilagxo Kersey Village.
Jen Kersey. beleta vilagxo
en Suffolk, kie oni filmis la plej fresxan "Meerkat" auxto-asekuran reklamon.....
Bv tajpu en Google: compare the market advert in Kersey
Tio kondukos vin al nian lokan
jxurnalon "La Vespera Stelo" - kaj jen la video.
This is Kersey, a pretty village in Suffolk, where the latest "Meerkat" car insurance advert was filmed....
Please type in Google: compare the market advert in Kersey
This will take you to our local newspaper "The Evening Star" - and here is the video.
Bv tajpu en Google: compare the market advert in Kersey
Tio kondukos vin al nian lokan
jxurnalon "La Vespera Stelo" - kaj jen la video.
This is Kersey, a pretty village in Suffolk, where the latest "Meerkat" car insurance advert was filmed....
Please type in Google: compare the market advert in Kersey
This will take you to our local newspaper "The Evening Star" - and here is the video.
Thursday, 6 January 2011
Arbfeoj Tree Spirits
Tempo por diri "gxis revido" al niajn belajn Kristnaskkartojn! Kial ni forigas niajn Kristnaskornamajxojn je La 12a Nokto (6a Januaro)? Antaux longe oni opiniis ke arbfeoj logxas en ilekso kaj hedero. Oni portis cxi tiujn plantojn endome por sxirmi la feojn dum malafablaj mezvintraj tagoj. Kiam la malvarmegaj tagoj foriris oni devis denove porti la plantojn plenaere por liberigi la arbfeojn. Se ili ne faris tion plantoj ne re-ekkreskus (printempo ne revenus) kaj agrikultura mafelicxego okazus.
Time say " goodbye" to our beautiful Christmas cards! Why do we take our Christmas decorations down on 12th Night (6th January)?
Long ago people thought that tree spirits lived in holly & ivy.
They brought these plants indoors to keep the tree spirits safe during harsh mid-winter days. Once these very cold days were passed they had to take the plants outside again to free the tree-spirits. If they did not do this plants would not start growing again (spring would not return). thus agricultural disaster would occur.
Time say " goodbye" to our beautiful Christmas cards! Why do we take our Christmas decorations down on 12th Night (6th January)?
They brought these plants indoors to keep the tree spirits safe during harsh mid-winter days. Once these very cold days were passed they had to take the plants outside again to free the tree-spirits. If they did not do this plants would not start growing again (spring would not return). thus agricultural disaster would occur.
Monday, 3 January 2011
La Laca Hundeto The Tired Puppy
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